Trip of the Year - Matt Hunter, Shandro & Joe Schwartz -

Bike Magazine's Trip of the Year.
Trip of the year. 
Sterling Lorence photographed riders Matt Hunter, Joe Schwartz and Andrew Shandro on a tour with Icebike. The result: Trip of the Year award in BIKE magazine. “Iceland is a place shaped by raw, elemental power. Where expanding undersea plates allow magma to sear into kilometer-thick glaciers. Icelandic people, too, defined by their homeland’s rugged natural forces. There in lies the loophole that a marauding band of mountain bikers traveled through. To discover this island of perfect, untouched dirt. Trails here are still sparse, but the potential of this Technicolor dreamscape is undeniable”.
Sterling Lorence is one of the very first people to professionally capture Mountain Biking in Iceland Highlands.


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Matt Hunter, Shandro & Joe Schwartz